Introduce Yourself : 1000+ Film Locations by Ukfilm Location

Ukfilm Location

1000+ Film Locations

Hi All, If you need locations for your projects then we'd love to hear from you. Castles to Council Flats, Aspirational to down-trodden, we have them all! Differentiated by service levels, we aim to save you guys the time, and stress, of routing through a multitude of websites all seemingly offering similar properties, to find the property you need, at the right price point! Feel free to call or email us.# We look forward to help you. Tim

Jonnie Dean

great idea Tim, site looks fantastic!

Nicola Gaughan

I'm looking for ww2 period locations, a home setup and raf airbases

Ukfilm Location

Hi Nicola, Pleased to be able to help you. Can you call us on 01782 388090 to discuss? Many thanks

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